Winter Snow Removal

Michigan state statute prohibits plowing snow across any public street. Furthermore, plowing of snow onto city streets, alleys and/or parking lots is not allowed; however, city ordinance does allow a person to remove snow or ice from a driveway on property owned, occupied or controlled by the person and pile the same in a public street along, parallel with and as part of a bank of snow formed by the City in its snow plowing operations. This snow may be placed in the right-of-way between the curb and the sidewalk on your side of the street, adjacent to your property. Please try to blend the snow into the existing snow banks and do not place the snow in the street. Do not pile snow within 25 feet of an intersection or alley.

Please refer to the City Ordinance pertaining to this subject. You can also find information in the Michigan Vehicle Code about snow removal/placement. If you still have questions, contact the DPW at 475-9991.

You can find more information on our plowing activities and suggestions on things you can do to get through winter by clicking here: Preparing for Winter.