Water Loss 2023 Report

How does the city lose water? Good question. This is dependent on many factors, such as the age of the system, slow leaks, major leaks, weather and frost lines, faulty meters, and some operational components (i.e., hydrant flushing). This report demonstrates why the city is taking major steps to repair our water distribution system and why how we decide which streets get paved first. With our dig once policy, we strive to pave streets that have water or sewer issues first, after such repairs are made. This not only meets the goal of repairing our aged streets, but serves to make critical repairs to water and sewer infrastructure. This also saves tax payer dollars!

We hope this report will be useful, as it proves a snap shot of where we are now with water losses. We have made significant strides through the use of our water correlator, a device that helps to detect leaks deep underground that do not surface and thanks to our dedicated DPW workers. Additional repairs to the systems will be made during our Phase-2 Water Project this year, helping us to obtain our goal of less than 10% water loss.  

Negaunee Water Loss Report 2023