Conserve Water Notice - Negaunee/Ishpeming Water Authority

To all residents and businesses of the Cities of Negaunee and Ishpeming,

Due to recent repairs and maintenance occurring on the storage tank and other water projects in the City of Negaunee, the Negaunee/Ishpeming Water Authority is requesting city's residents and businesses to conserve water from July 28, 2023, to July 30, 2023. During this weekend, we have multiple events being held in both cities respectively, the Fireman's Tournament (Negaunee), and St. Rocco/St. Anthony Society's Italian Fest (Ishpeming). We are operating both cities as one system currently, using Ishpeming's tank as stoarge and fire prevention, while Negaunee's tank is down for maintenance. Conserving water will aid in helping limit the stresses put on the temporary system. I appreciate everyone's efforts in helping during this time, thank you.

If you have any questions, please give me a call at (906) 486-8399.


Jake Forchini

Water Plant Manager

Negaunee/Ishpeming Water Authority