Negaunee Land Use Ballot Measure Set for August Election

Ballot Measure

The City of Negaunee is announcing a ballot measure for the August 6th, 2024, Primary Election. The measure asks registered voters of Negaunee whether or not the following should be approved.

[The Negaunee City Council voted to amend the City of Negaunee’s Codified Zoning Ordinance (Ord. No.: 156.031) to rezone an approximate five (5) acre parcel of City owned property, which is part of Old Town, from a Public Area (PA) Zoning District to a Residential (R2) Zoning District.  Should the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance be repealed, reverting the subject parcel back to a Public Area (PA) Zoning District.]


Voting “yes” on the measure will prevent the 5-acres from being rezoned to R2 “Residential”. The designation of R2 allows for housing and multiple-family residential use. Voting “no” will allow the land to be rezoned to R2.